New Webinar Mini-series: Fraunhofer Pheno-Talks start in collaboration with IPPN's PhenomicsWebinars starting April 19

The development of sustainable, resource-efficient phenotyping technologies contributes in the long term to the security of supply of entire regions by technologically supporting, among other things, the optimization of growing conditions or the breeding of new varieties.

The Fraunhofer Pheno-Talks »Smart farming: Challenges for the industrial utilization of advanced phenotyping sensors« provide a platform for various research institutions and industrial companies to report on current challenges and possible solutions. With the talk series, which will be streamed via Microsoft Teams, we want to offer interested parties, researchers and users from the industry a low-threshold platform for professional exchange. Stefan Gerth will lead through the event series. He has been researching technologies for plant phenotyping for more than 10 years and is head of the department Application Specific Methods and Systems at Fraunhofer EZRT.


Guest: Bas von Eerdt, Direcor of Phenokey
Topic: Phenotyping technologies: Bridging the gap between concept development and industrial deployment


Guest: Prof. Patrick Noack, Professor at University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf,
Topic: Human Annotation, Validation and Postprocessing of data collected with Phenotyping Sensors


Guest: Christian Hügel, Strube D&S GmbH


Guest: Prof. Jennifer L. Clarke, Professor and Director of University of Nebraska–Lincoln Food Science and Technology; Statistics

The event will take place as a livestream via MS Teams. For more information please visit:

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