PlantComp 2022 - abstract submission open

jointly organised by Ghent University, ILVO, OnePlanet and imec.

PlantComp aims to bring young researchers in plant physiology, sensing and modelling together. PlantComp consists of a mix of interactive workshops, keynotes and poster presentations to explore research in these fields and to discover novel technologies and techniques.

Plants grow in an ever-changing environment. Consequently, their performance strongly depends upon their ability to dynamically adapt their physiology to the altered environmental conditions. However, research is only just unravelling these response dynamics through improved sensing, phenotyping and modelling efforts. Due to the increased specialisation in these fields, researchers are often unaware of novel technologies from other fields. PlantComp is set up to bridge this gap and facilitate a cross-pollination among these fields in plant sciences and advance towards increased interdisciplinary research. Only through combined efforts in phenotyping, sensing and modelling will enable us to uncover these dynamic plant aspects.

After the conference, participants and enthusiasts are encouraged to extend their abstract to a full article for publication in a special issue linked to PlantComp in Frontiers in Plant Science.

Key deadlines: 

Jun 21, 2022: Submission deadline of extended abstracts

Sep 16, 2022: Early bird registration deadline

Sep 30, 2022: Deadline registration

Mar 2023: Special issue Frontiers in Plant Science


More information on the programme on our website: