Workshop in Bari, Italy for AgroServ members


Start: 2nd October 2024 00:00 AM

End: 3rd October 2024 00:00 AM

Location: CIHEAM BARI, Valenzano (BA), Italy

This event would be a great opportunity for all of us, not only to network with very relevant actors of the Agroecology landscape but also to discuss and position our RIs as key actor in fostering Agroecology Transition. The event will also serve for drafting a position paper on the specific role we could play in EU to support AE transition (check the agenda attached for more information, don't miss this opportunity!).


The EU project AgroServ joints together 12 Research Infrastructures aiming at supporting the transition towards more sustainable systems by providing integrated research services. To ensure a long-lasting impact of the project, we are looking to establish links and complementarities not only among RIs but also with other relevant actors of the Agroecology Community. Sharing knowledge, exchanging experiences allows mutual learning from successes and mistakes, avoids duplication and increases the impact of project results.

Under the framework of this project, we have organized a workshop to discuss 3 major topics of paramount importance within the Agroecology community and RI: i) The role of RI in AE Transition and its collaboration with LLs, ii) Transdisciplinarity in research and iii) the deployment and use of global standards to move towards AE transition.

To discuss these issues, we are organizing the 2 days workshop in the following 3 working sessions:
  • Working Session 1 – Transdisciplinarity in research
  • Working Session 2 –Global standards for assessing and evaluating AE transition
  • Working Session 3 – The role of RI in AE Transition