EMPHASIS contributes to European project AgroServ on Agroecology

The Horizon Europe project AgroServ, led by AnaEE and CNRS, gathers more than 70 partners and has recently been granted of 15M€ for a duration of 5 years. It will boost the research for a resilient and sustainable European agriculture system, and the agroecological transitions. The overarching mission of AgroServ is to support research and innovation by providing customised and integrated RI services in view of achieving a sustainable and resilient agriculture and supporting agroecological transitions. This aim will take place in line with the One-Health approach, with particular regard to threats and risks on agroecosystems and to enhance new agroecological practices and their socio-economic benefits.
AgroServ, thanks to a large consortium of recognized European Research Infrastructures, features a vast offer of services at all scales, from the molecule, to the organism, to the ecosystem, and to the society. AgroServ goes beyond the state-of-the-art because it will allow users access, for the first time, to make use of a consistent, integrated, and customized offer of services from several RIs spanning all relevant disciplines: they will bring together several types of expertise, disciplines and technologies, integrating competences from chemists, biologists, agronomists, ecologists, bioengineers, analysts, sociologists, economists.
The transdisciplinary offer of services will have a high impact on the future of the food system, preserving biodiversity and reducing the impact of agriculture on climate. The consortium will work closely with partners from the society, farmers, industry, citizens and policy makers, through living labs and towards the establishment of evidence-based policy, and codeveloped practices in agriculture. By delivering a pan-European and inter/multidisciplinary data ecosystem, and providing state-of-the art services on agroecosystems, the project will society long-term capacity to respond to global challenges in the agriculture sector. It will also provide evidence-based policy making for a resilient and sustainable agricultural system and enable new discoveries and knowledge breakthroughs in the field of agroecology. Through user engagement and Living Lab activities, it will develop the agroecology research community, encourage cross-fertilisation and enable a wider sharing of knowledge.
The project is expected to start by the end of 2022.