Policy maker or ESFRI delegate
How can you get involved?
Please contact our Coordination and Support Office (emphasis@fz-juelich.de). We will then provide you directly with the latest information on the process of establishing EMPHASIS and clarify the involvement of your country in this process.
Why should you get involved?
By getting involved now, you can ensure that your country’s interests are taken into account during the development of EMPHASIS. You can bring in the perspective and expectations of your country on strategic aspects of how EMPHASIS should be operated. These aspects comprise all parts of the EMPHASIS business plan, including user strategy (service portfolio and benefit generation), governance, organisational policies, legal framework, cost models, funding framework, and implementation plan.
Furthermore, if your country recognises the strategic importance of EMPHASIS and declares its willingness to work towards the setup of EMPHASIS, it is requested to have a respective Letter of Intent signed. This letter does not create any legally binding obligations to the signatories, but enables the participation in the decision making on the EMPHASIS business case. The EMPHASIS Coordination and Support Office will provide the Letter of Intent upon request.
Where does EMPHASIS currently stand, and how did it get there?
EMPHASIS is still in the preparatory phase, which is funded by the European Commission via Horizon 2020 (Grant Agreement: 739514). This preparatory phase project (EMPHASIS-PREP) has so far mapped and analysed the plant phenotyping landscape in Europa by an open, transparent and participatory process involving all relevant stakeholders. Based on these results, it has developed multiple strategic options for EMPHASIS implementation and operation as part of the current business plan draft.
EMPHASIS has already organised several official meetings with national ministries interested in moving EMPHASIS smoothly, efficiently and timely towards operation. These meetings have provided a platform to discuss the strategic options that were developed within EMPHASIS-PREP. Countries interested in joining these discussions will be provided with documents for these meetings upon request towards the Coordination and Support Office.