Researchers from acamdemia or industry
How can you get involved?
EMPHASIS is an organisation that will enable researchers to use facilities, resources and services for plant phenotyping across Europe. To this end, we work closely with researchers from academia and industry to foster use of plant phenotyping for excellent science.
EMPHASIS is currently in the preparatory phase, and you can already participate in several ways:
- Find an overview of the rich plant phenotyping landscape in Europe within the EMPHASIS plant phenotyping landscape map. This map informs plant phenotyping stakeholders in Europe about existing plant phenotyping installations and opportunities for research.
- Make use of our modelling pilot Quantitative Plant, which offers image analysis software tools and models for plants.
- Get in touch with the Support Group members of your country. They form the link between national communities and EMPHASIS, providing input towards on the respective country’s expectations and informing the community about EMPHASIS developments.
- Share your latest news, events etc. with the plant phenotyping community by getting in touch with our communications team and subscribe to our newsletter, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook pages.
- Make use of the services of our partner projects, i.e., trans-national access via EPPN2020 or find joint activities on a global level via IPPN.
- If you would like further information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the EMPHASIS Coordination and Support Office.
Why should you get involved?
EMPHASIS will provide a number of benefits to you:
- Access to hitherto not available infrastructures to address your scientific research question
- Access to high quality data that follow common experimental and data standards to develop and validate your models, perform meta studies, test your hypothesis etc.
- Access to a network of potential collaborators and expertise for your future research proposals and projects
- Network to present and discuss your research at conferences, workshops, round table discussions, innovation events etc.
- Support in translational research fostering knowledge and technology transfer
- Engagement in development of common experimental and data standards
- EMPHASIS will foster the development of infrastructure that is demanded by your research questions
- Education and training on different aspect of plant phenotyping