Co-developed tools & services

Experimental Design and Monitoring

Tools for statistical design and analysis of phenomic experiments across platforms and scales of plant organization developed within EPPN2020.

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Plant A+: Tools for data sharing in plant research

Three data management tools designed to help plant researchers with data analysis, visualisation and integration following FAIR principles have been developed by EMPHASIS, ISBE and ELIXIR within the EOSC-Life project.

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RI-VIS resources for research infrastructures

As part of the RI-VIS project, we have contributed to the development of tools to increase the visibility of European research infrastructures to broader scientific communities, industry and strategic partners in third countries.

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The webinar series offers a platform to discuss latest developments in plant phenotyping and welcomes distributions from researchers from all related fields.

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Emphasis Data Management training course

EMPHASIS training materials to download!

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