Infrastructure Map
Field Installation Controlled Environment Data and Computational Services Modelling Field Site
Installation | Organisation | Location | Category | Link to Map |
Campus Kleinaltendorf | Forschungszentrum Jülich, Campus Kleinaltendorf | Germany | Field Site | Map |
AgroPhenoLab | IAS-CSIC | Spain | Field Site | Map |
ILVO - Field Trials | ILVO | Belgium | Field Site | Map |
PhenoCrop-PT: Field trials | PhenoCrop-PT | Portugal | Field Site | Map |
Inagro | Inagro VZW | Belgium | Field Site | Map |
Phenobox | Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology GmbH | Austria | Controlled Environment | Map |
Hyperspectral Root Imaging (HSRI) | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) | Austria | Controlled Environment | Map |
Platform Rewald: Manual Root Phenotyping | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) | Austria | Controlled Environment | Map |
VBCF PlantS - #PHENOPlant | Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH | Austria | Controlled Environment | Map |
Lysimeter platform | Austrian Agency for Health & Food Safety (AGES) | Austria | Field Installation | Map |
MOVABLE GREENHOUSE Rainout shelter | Austrian Agency for Health & Food Safety (AGES) | Austria | Field Installation | Map |
Aeroponics | UCLouvain Earth and Life Institute | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
on line transpiration monitoring system | KU Leuven University | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
Growtainer | KU Leuven University | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
igis | VIB-University of Gent | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
WIWAM XY1 | VIB-University of Gent | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
Pathoviewer | University Gent | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
phytosystem platform | University of Liege | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
Crop growth dynamics | University of Liege | Belgium | Field Installation | Map |
Root phenotyping | Gemblouz agro bio tech | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
Traitmill | CropDesign | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
WIWAM XY | VIB-UGent Department of Plant Systems Biology | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
WIWAM Conveyor (Phenovision) | VIB-UGent Department of Plant Systems Biology | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
field phenotyping - Louvin la Neuve | Centre Wallon De Recherches Agronomiques | Belgium | Field Installation | Map |
WIWAM Maize | VIB-UGent Department of Plant Systems Biology | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
Kinematics platform | Uantwerp | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
PhenoMaton | University of Liege | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
Phenotainer | KU Leuven University | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
WIWAM Rhizoline | VIB-UGent Department of Plant Systems Biology | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
WIWAM Line (Shrimpy) | VIB-UGent Department of Plant Systems Biology | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
CRA-W Henseval building | Centre Wallon De Recherches Agronomiques | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
Vitrovoc (CRA-W) | Centre Wallon De Recherches Agronomiques | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
KUL - MeBioS Biophotonics | KU Leuven University | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
PIPPA | VIB Agro-Incubator | Belgium | Data and Computational Services | Map |
poplar - field trials | VIB-University of Gent | Belgium | Field Installation | Map |
MAPEO | VITO | Belgium | Field Installation | Map |
Research Farm | University Gent | Belgium | Field Installation | Map |
Redebel | REDEBEL | Belgium | Field Installation | Map |
High Throughput Field Phenotyping | ILVO | Belgium | Field Installation | Map |
ARI_PPF | Agricultural Research Institute | Cyprus | Field Installation | Map |
CEITEC | CEITEC, Marsk University | Czech Republic | Controlled Environment | Map |
Olophen | Palacký University Olomouc | Czech Republic | Controlled Environment | Map |
PSI Research Center | Photon Systems Instruments | Czech Republic | Controlled Environment | Map |
Dynapheno | Aarhus University, Food Science | Denmark | Controlled Environment | Map |
PhenoDyn: Drought spotter and Planteye | Aarhus University, Food Science | Denmark | Controlled Environment | Map |
Phenolab Taastrup at University of Copenhagen | University of Copenhagen, PLEN | Denmark | Controlled Environment | Map |
RERAF - Risø Environmental Risk Assessment facility | Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Institude for Environmental Engineering | Denmark | Controlled Environment | Map |
breeding | Polli Horticultural research Centre | Estonia | Field Installation | Map |
field phenotyping - Jõgeva maakond | Estonian Crop Research Institute | Estonia | Field Installation | Map |
field phenotyping - Tartu | Tartu Observatory | Estonia | Field Installation | Map |
gas exchange | University of Tartu | Estonia | Controlled Environment | Map |
Estonian University of Life Sciences | Estonian University of Life Sciences | Estonia | Controlled Environment | Map |
VOCs | Estonian University of Life Sciences | Estonia | Field Installation | Map |
NaPPI large plant unit, in ViGoR facilities | University of Helsinki, Finland | Finland | Controlled Environment | Map |
NaPPI small plant unit, in Viikki Plant Growth Facilities | University of Helsinki, Finland | Finland | Controlled Environment | Map |
Spectromics Laboratory | University of Eastern Finland | Finland | Controlled Environment | Map |
AgroPhen | INRAe | France | Field Installation | Map |
DIAPHEN | INRAe | France | field site | Map |
4PMI (Plant Phenotyping Platform for Plant and Micro Organisms Interactions) | INRAe | France | Controlled Environment | Map |
PHENOARCH | INRAe | France | Controlled Environment | Map |
PHENODYN | INRAe | France | Controlled Environment | Map |
PhenoPlant | INRAe | France | Controlled Environment | Map |
Pheno3C | INRAe | France | Field Installation | Map |
PHENOPSIS | INRAe | France | Controlled Environment | Map |
Phenoscope | INRAe | France | Controlled Environment | Map |
Toulouse Plant-Microbe Phenotyping | INRAe | France | Controlled Environment | Map |
Vegolia | INRAe | France | Controlled Environment | Map |
Phenovia | Terres Inovia | France | Field Installation | Map |
PHIS | INRAe | France | Data and Computational Services | Map |
BreedFACE | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Field Installation | Map |
HyPlant | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Field Installation | Map |
MiniPlots | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Field Installation | Map |
APPP-A (small plants) | Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
PhenOMIS | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Data and Computational Services | Map |
APPP-B (medium-sized plants) | Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
APPP-C (large plants) | Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
ExpoSCREEN | Helmholtz Zentrum München | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
Grow Screen Agar 1 | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
GrowscreenChamber | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
GrowscreenRhizo 1 | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
HIDeR - Hyperspectral Imaging Device for Rhizotrons | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
HyperLab | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
Mobile NMR sensor | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
Fitness-SCREEN | Helmholtz Zentrum München | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
PhenoSeeder | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
PlantMRI | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
Screen House | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
SignalSCREEN | Helmholtz Zentrum München | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
SunSCREEN | Helmholtz Zentrum München | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
VOC-SCREEN (Phenotyping Volatile Organic Compounds) | Helmholtz Zentrum München | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
EZRT X-ray CT Phenotyping | Fraunhofer EZRT | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
SCREEN-Chamber | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
Screen-House | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
OliveID | Biotechnology-Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Department of Horticultural Genetics | Greece | Controlled Environment | Map |
HAS-RSDS (middle size plants) | MTA Biological Research Centre | Hungary | Controlled Environment | Map |
Oak Park field facility | Teagasc | Ireland | Field Installation | Map |
PICS - Physiology infrastructure for crop stress | University College Dublin (UCD) | Ireland | Field Installation | Map |
UCD X-ray CT facility | University College Dublin (UCD) | Ireland | Controlled Environment | Map |
Plantpopnet | Plantpopnet | Ireland | Field Installation | Map |
Planttrait | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israel | Controlled Environment | Map |
Agrobios Plant Scanalyzer (APS) | ALSIA | Italy | Controlled Environment | Map |
VOC-greenhouse | CNR (National Research Council) | Italy | Controlled Environment | Map |
UCSC-DIPROVES-FRUIT | Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore | Italy | Controlled Environment | Map |
UAV-CNR | CNR (National Research Council) | Italy | Field Installation | Map |
CREA Research centre for Genomics and Bioinformatics | CREA | Italy | Field Installation | Map |
Bologna 5 field-sites | University of Bologna | Italy | Field Installation | Map |
Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing Facility (UARSF) | Wageningen University | Netherlands | Field Installation | Map |
DroughtSpotter | Phenospex | Netherlands | Controlled Environment | Map |
Intact Plant MRI | Wageningen NMR Centre | Netherlands | Controlled Environment | Map |
NPEC | Wageningen Research | Netherlands | Controlled Environment | Map |
Phenovator | Wageningen University | Netherlands | Controlled Environment | Map |
Climate laboratory Holt | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | Controlled Environment | Map |
Controlled Environment Facility for Plant Research | University of Oslo, Department of Biosciences | Norway | Controlled Environment | Map |
The Centre for Plant Research in Controlled Climate (SKP) | Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) | Norway | Controlled Environment | Map |
Morten Lillemo | Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) | Norway | Field Installation | Map |
BPGV - INIAV | National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIAV/ BPGV) | Portugal | Field Installation | Map |
Slovak PlantScreen Phenotyping Unit (SPPU) | Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) | Slovakia | Controlled Environment | Map |
Drones | University of Barcelona | Spain | Field Installation | Map |
Horticultural phenotyping | University of Almeria | Spain | Controlled Environment | Map |
Imaging System | University Cartagena | Spain | Controlled Environment | Map |
Gimenells | IRTA | Spain | Field Installation | Map |
Artesa de Segre | IRTA | Spain | Field Installation | Map |
Olius | IRTA | Spain | Field Installation | Map |
El Poal | IRTA | Spain | Field Installation | Map |
Verdú | IRTA | Spain | Field Installation | Map |
ITACyL | Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León (ITACyL) | Spain | Field Installation | Map |
INIA | Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) | Spain | Field Installation | Map |
DEEP Plant Growth Facility | Stockholm University | Sweden | Controlled Environment | Map |
Growing facilities at SLU Uppsala | SLU, NJ faculty | Sweden | Controlled Environment | Map |
The Biotron at SLU Alnarp | SLU Alnarp, LTV faculty | Sweden | Controlled Environment | Map |
UPSC Growth facility | Umea Plant Science Centre | Sweden | Controlled Environment | Map |
Stockholm University | Stockholm University | Sweden | Controlled Environment | Map |
Field phenotyping platform (FIP) of ETH Zurich | ETH Zürich, Crop Science | Switzerland | Field Installation | Map |
Field Scanalyzer | Rothamsted Research | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
NRP Automated Crop Phenotyping Platform | Norwich | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Predictive Plant - Edinburgh 2D Multi-Plant Imaging Platform | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Crop Research Unit | University of Reading | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Earlham Institute | Earlham Institute | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
James Hutton | James Hutton Institute | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Newcastle University Farms (NU-farms) | Newcastle University | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Norwich Research Park | Norwich Research Park | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Large Plant Platform | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Small Plant Platform | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Nutrient Flow | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
National Plant Phenotyping Centre Gravimetrics System | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
National Plant Phenotyping Centre X-Ray CT scanner | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Phenotyping Glasshouse | Cranfield University | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Soil Management Facility | Cranfield University | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Advanced Plant Growth Centre | James Hutton Institute | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
The Microphenotron | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Water Use Phenotyping Platform | Lancaster University | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
IBERS Smart Field Phenotyping Systems | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
IBERS pre-breeding field phenoytyping sytems | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
IBERS Pwllpeiran upland platform | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Predictive Plant - Edinburgh 3D Plant Imaging Platform | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Vehicle and mobile sensor equipment for field installations | Cranfield University | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
AirSurf - UAV and 3D Measurment | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
FieldNet | ALSIA | Italy | Field Installation | Map |
CropQuant (breeding) | Earlham Institute | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
CropQuant Farming Robot | Earlham Institute | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
CropSight | Earlham Institute | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
PS-Plant | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
2D-RSAT | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Integrated Phenotyping Laboratory | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
The Hounsfield Facility | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
2D-RSAT-PLATE | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
2D-GANTRY | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
TERRA-MEPP | Lancaster University (Illinois) | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Riseholme Farm | University of Lincoln | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Robotic Fruit Farm | University of Lincoln | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
6 Thorvald Robots | University of Lincoln | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
2D-THERMAL | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Reading Crop and Environment Laboratory | University of Reading | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
CEL Fitotrons | University of Reading | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
CEL Photoperiod House | University of Reading | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Wolfson Centre for Disease Phenomics | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
CRU - WUE platform | University of Reading | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
CRU - proximal and remote sensing platform | University of Reading | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Multispectral scanner (costs include CE room) | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Chlorophyll fluorescence scanner (costs include CE room) | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Desktop and handheld systems | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Field trials facilties Wellesbourne Campus | University of Warwick | United Kingdom | Field Installation | Map |
Phenovia | Terres Inovia | France | Field Installation | Map |
PhenoMeD | Subtropical Crops and Viticulture, Institute for Olive Tree | Greece | Controlled Environment | Map |
University of Edinburgh | Phenotiki: affordable shoot imaging | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
University of Edinburgh | Phenotiki: software | United Kingdom | Data and Computational Services | Map |
University of Edinburgh | The PRL data | United Kingdom | Data and Computational Services | Map |
University of Edinburgh | Chickpea root project | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
Robotic Gantry Synchronous Active-Multispectral Crop Canopy imaging | University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Controlled Environment | Map |
GrowScreen-Agar 2 | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
GrowScreen-PaGe | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
GrowScreen-Rhizo 3 | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
GROWSCREEN Rhizo | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Data and Computational Services | Map |
BluVision Micro- and Microphenomics | Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) | Germany | Controlled Environment | Map |
PhotoTraits (merged with SIF) | Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 | Germany | Map | |
JKI-FACE | JKI: Institute for Crop and Soil Science | Germany | Field Installation | Map |
Planttrait | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israel | Map | |
Scanalizer | ALSIA | Italy | Map | |
INFRA-VOL | CNR-DISBA | Italy | Map | |
FieldPhen | CREA-CI of Foggia | Italy | Map | |
PhenoCrop-PT | PhenoCrop-PT | Portugal | Map | |
Plant&Soil_Pheno | Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops | Serbia | field site | Map |
MET | Agroscope (Changins) | Switzerland | Map | |
HYDRAS | ILVO | Belgium | field site | Map |
IPPAS - Integrated Plant Phenotyping for Agricultural Solutions | VIB Agro-Incubator | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
JKI-Rainout-Shelter | JKI: Institute for Crop and Soil Science | Germany | Field Installation | Map |
Field Phenotyping Robot (CROPtimus Prime) | IAS-CSIC | Spain | Field Installation | Map |
Agrotopia | Inagro VZW | Belgium | Controlled Environment | Map |
PHENOTOUL | INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse | France | Controlled Environment | Map |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Phenotyping Facility | School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Field Installation | Map |
Phenospex, FieldScan | School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Field Installation | Map |
MartonPhen | HUN-REN: Agricultural Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research | Hungary | Controlled Environment | Map |
PlantEye Multispectral 3D sensor | Council for agricultural research and economics (CREA) | Italy | Controlled Environment | Map |
EMPHASIS Infrastructure Map
The EMPHASIS infrastructure map is a platform for plant phenotyping facilities as service providers in Europe (like access) to spread information about their capabilities to the plant phenotyping community. It is also intended to support the plant phenotyping community with information on facilities and technologies available in Europe.
This map has been initially produced by the preparatory project of EMPHASIS (EMPHASIS-Prep) which has mapped services and user demands in Europe. With EMPHASIS moving towards implementation, it has been sustained and will support EMPHASIS in developing trans-national access services and further support for its users across Europe. The content of the map is provided by the installations themselves, who can provide and update their information here
Further information on plant phenotyping facilities beyond Europe is provided by our partner, the International Plant Phenotyping Network.
The map illustrates the plant phenotyping landscape in Europe including infrastructure grouped into five categories:
Add a phenotyping installation to the map
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