How can you get involved?

EMPHASIS is an organisation that will enable researchers to use facilities, resources and services for plant phenotyping across Europe. To this end, we work closely with experts operating phenotyping installations. EMPHASIS is currently in the preparatory phase, and you can already now participate in several ways:

Why should you get involved?

EMPHASIS will provide a number of benefits to your facility:

  • Participating in EMPHASIS will attract new users and new partners for joint projects.
  • Your installation can participate in a European-wide excellence-driven access procedure, attracting additional users, increasing your visibility and supporting research quality.
  • You and your users can utilize synergies related to common experimental and data standards.
  • You can benefit from EMPHASIS engaging and attracting industry to plant phenotyping installations.
  • Through EMPHASIS you can get access to cutting-edge and affordable technology.
  • EMPHASIS will raise awareness for the relevance of plant phenotyping with funders, policy makers and the broader public, providing a platform for you to bring in your perspective on the future development of European plant phenotyping towards these stakeholders.
  • EMPHASIS will support you in building up and sustaining competences for operating your facility.